@article{oai:shizuoka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000557, author = {熊谷, 滋子}, issue = {1}, journal = {人文論集}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, There are two types of sentence final forms (henceforth, SFF) in Japanese, i.e., desumasu-ioim and non-desumasu-iorm (henceforth, the former is referred to as A-form and the latter, B-form.) This paper is to reconsider the effect of the two types of SFF within one written discourse. It has been assumed that only one SFF should be used in one written discourse. The use of two types of SFF in one written discourse has often been considered exceptional. However, a close look at the letters to the editors in Japanese newspapers shows that two types of SFF are used effectively within one discourse. A-form used in B-form as a basic SFF tends to be used for closing a discouse, and B-form used in A-form as a basic SFF, for developing a discourse, ex. listing, quoting, and so on. Both usage reflects writers' psychological transition in one discourse. Additionally, female writers tend to use two types of SFF more than male writers, which supports the idea that women show their feeling more straightforwardly through SFF.}, pages = {A273--A286}, title = {新聞投書にみる文体の効果 : 「ですます体」と「非ですます体」の混用を通して}, volume = {52}, year = {2001} }